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Sorita Rankine

Ch.10 Drawing Down the Moon (WMB 10.f)

Extract from: Wicca: Magical Beginnings written by d’Este & Rankine, 2008 (Avalonia.) PB / Kindle @


Another component of the Drawing Down the Moon ceremony which follows on from the invocation is a speech sometimes known as the ‘Hail Aradia’ speech. [note: the Wiccan version is not included here] This is based directly on a poem by Crowley entitled La Fortuna and dedicated to Tyche (the Greek goddess of Fortune), published as part of his 1907 work Rodin in Rime, written in praise of the artist’s work, and illustrated by Rodin, with whom Crowley was friends:

“Hail Tyche! From the Amalthean horn

Pour forth the store of love!

I lowly bend before thee:

I invoke thee at the end

When other gods are fallen and put to scorn.

Thy foot is to my lips; my signs unborn

Rise, touch and curl about thy heart; they spend

Pitiful love. Lovlier pity, descend

And bring me luck who am lonely and forlorn.”

Extract from: Wicca: Magical Beginnings written by d’Este & Rankine, 2008 (Avalonia.) PB / Kindle @ Shared here with the intention to inspire and inform the now and future generations interested in Wicca and other Pagan traditions inspired by it.



My name is Sorita d'Este

and this is my website and blog!  Thanks for visiting - I hope you are finding what you are looking for!


Many years ago I dedicated myself to the pursuit of both esoteric knowledge, and an understanding of polytheism, the Gods and Nature.  I have been a full-time writer, author and publisher, specialising subjects linked to the occult, witchcraft, Paganism, mythology, ancient religions and magic - and all kinds of things in between since 2003. 


I live on a hill in Glastonbury, overlooking the marshes of Somerset,  a place of myth and legend, and a crossroad for many different religions. Here I am frequently found digging and growing, serving my fluffy rescue cat and navigating the unknown with my teenage son.  

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